Directly helping Ukrainian civilians, supporting Americans in Ukraine and, connecting relief efforts and volunteer groups with the donations you sent from America. You donate and we make sure it gets there.

Make a donation.


We are launching the big summer fundraising campaign to help support our ongoing humanitarian operations in Ukraine! We deliver medical supplies and help those in desperate need of medical care. There are communities that are torn apart by russian attacks and we help them survive. Any American volunteer in Ukraine we know gets support as well because they are on their own, for the most part, to fund equipment and basic needs. Please donate to the link below. We currently are supporting two groups of American and UK volunteers with basic needs like sleeping bags. We are helping the Traveling Colonels as well. This is our fundraising page for the summer fundraiser. Please visit our website as well as we accept monthly recurring donations that help us to continue our operations. Please subscribe to our YouTube and let us know what you think of our videos and let us know what you would like to hear about in the future so we can make more meaningful content. We have an instagram as well and would greatly appreciate a follow there too. Thank you so much for the support and help with getting supplies to where they need to go to stop the russian invasion and to help the people who are being hurt by it. Slava Ukraine.


Make a donation.

Please support us today and make a donation. THANK YOU!


Donate Donate Donate

Donate Donate Donate


There are a few ways to support us. One way is to donate monthly. We would greatly appreciate this as it would help us focus more on delivering assistance to people. One time donations are appreciate as well and are a critical part of being able to continue this work. Thank you for the opportunity to be able to continue to provide care for so many people! We cannot do this without your support.


Subscribe to our YouTube channel

It would be greatly appreciated if you subscribe to our YouTube channel and engage with our videos. We have a ton of footage and a bunch of stories about our time in Ukraine. We are improving our editing skills and will be uploading more. It would be a great help to know what people would like to know about Ukraine and the full scale invasion. It seems like there has been a great deal of emotional fatigue surrounding this topic, so if you would like to know anything involving Ukraine that is not directly related to the full scale invasion please let us know in the YouTube comment section. We truly appreciate your support in helping us grow.

Follow us on Instagram

This is the easiest place for us to quickly upload something that we are working on and we will be posting about upcoming live streams here as well. If you would like to connect with the team this is the most active place for you to reach us. Thank you for the follow and please ask for specific content that you would like to see. We will be observing all operation security guidelines so we will never do a live stream while we are in the field.


If we can reach more people it will help us save on advertising. The modern methods of advertising are extremely expensive and we would like to avoid spending donations on these types of administrative expenses if at all possible. The more friends and family that we reach, the less we have to spend on ads for new supporters.


I am EXTREMELY fortunate to have had RYAN MCBETH give me a shoutout!! Thank you, RYAN!!

If you're interested in all things military, then you should definitely follow and subscribe to Ryan McBeth! As a U.S. Army veteran and expert on military equipment, weapons systems, strategy, and tactics, Ryan provides up-to-date expert commentary on all the latest developments in the military world. Whether you're a military enthusiast, history buff, or just curious about how the armed forces work, Ryan's insights are sure to provide valuable insights and perspectives. So don't miss out on the chance to stay informed and engaged - follow and subscribe to Ryan McBeth today!

Most recent initiative is to purchase a new vehicle to be able to have a more consistent approach to coordinating deliveries. Ryan has posted a short video asking for his viewers to step up and help us reach our goal. Thank you so much for all of your help!!

Ryan McBeth is a well known US Army veteran and military YouTuber who has extensive knowledge and understanding of military systems and tactics. Ryan is able to consolidate complex topics and present them in a very understandable and relatable way. Please follow Ryan for commentary on all things military.


helped us deliver to an orphanage!

Millions of people need our help!

The links to JohnnyFD are here:




The link to Artem is here:

We were told of a group of orphans in Cherkasy region of Ukraine that needed some help. With our Military escort, Artem who was able to locate this need, and JohnnyFD we were able to deliver Water boilers, medicine, toys, and other requested items. We can only continue to do this work through your support. Please follow JohnnyFD for updates about life in Ukraine and follow Artem to help support his efforts as well. Thank you everyone.


There is not much content up yet but we are getting through the backlog of raw footage and sorting it out to be able to show what we have been doing and some interesting things about being in Ukraine these days.

A great team has been working diligently on gathering medical supplies, funding, and resources to deliver to Ukraine. These guys are tough as nails and have a world of experience that is invaluable to have in these operations. Please checkout their projects and please support them directly.


Donate or volunteer with us.

We are accepting donations for our work in Ukraine. Money is always a great source of freedom of movement and resources, but we also need people who will lend a hand directly. If you want to come to Ukraine please reach out and ask questions. Our YouTube channel is where we will post our general advice for anyone wanting to come volunteer. We will be coordinating the transfer of funding directly to local refugee areas and to people under siege in Ukraine. I have spent time and resources to verify the needs of civilians and to meet local leaders in Donetsk, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, and Kherson. The greatest needs are for medical professionals, military, cooks, mechanics, and anyone who can lift and carry 50+ pounds and walk 10+ miles daily while standing for long periods of time.

Large companies like Amazon are asking for donations for Ukraine? Celebrities have been raising money for relief efforts as well, but there have been reports of supplies not getting to where they are needed and promises not being honored.


I have met and worked with teams of Americans, British, Ukrainians, and Polish, Latvians, Swedes, and others who know the area of operation. We are working on connecting donations with people who want to go and help but do not have the means. We need more protective gear for our team to be able to be as safe as possible in Ukraine.


We use our experience to help others.

As veterans, we signed up for the wounds we have. These people just wanted to live their lives.

We are helping in Ukraine.

Early in the full scale invasion of Ukraine I spent some time in Poland during the humanitarian crisis. I was there volunteering to help carry luggage, hand out food, meeting other volunteers, and creating contacts. I am working on creating a travel guide for volunteers who want to help refugees here in Poland. I am now based in Kyiv. I worked with several different volunteer organizations. There are dozens of volunteer groups and they all have created a logo and they have an Instagram but most of them are not legally registered charities or nonprofits. they are a loosely organized group of civilian volunteers who are gathering paypal/gofundme/other donations to go do volunteer work. Some of these groups are more efficient than others. I have been able to see first hand the work efforts of dozens of these groups and I have been able to do interviews with the groups who are doing amazing work here in Ukraine. I will be posting these interviews on my Ukrainian Relief Fund YouTube channel. Another subgroup of volunteers are people who arrived in Ukraine and are working with various groups and doing the lions share of the work and also giving from and living off of their personal savings. There have been hundreds if not thousands of brilliantly talented and well intentioned volunteers who have gone above and beyond to help in Ukraine but once their savings ran out they were forced to leave the country and return home to work at their previous job. I am going to be highlighting these peoples stories as well on my YouTube channel.

We are at THE SUN!

I helped out an international group of lads from the United Kingdom and Germany. We delivered supplies to remote villages in Ukraine. The stories we hear and the people's situations we see are heart-breaking. This is one of the many groups that I have personally helped while traveling in Ukraine.


Let’s go get this job done together.