Veteran owned non-profit dedicated to cutting through the red tape and helping people.

Integrity first, Service before self, and Excellence in all we do.

Maybe if we lead by example and show what we can do with less.

Lets work together and make a difference.


My Recent Experience(Johnny Rogers)

I have been trying to make a difference since I got back from Afghanistan. I volunteered in Mayfield Kentucky after the Tornado and I realized that there are a lot of people in need of assistance and a lot of people willing to help but we need to have hands to sort through, organize, and distribute the physical donations. When you see the eyes of a person who has recently experienced unimaginable loss, and then the pure appreciation of your work, there is no better feeling.


We can have a new mission and create a massive difference for others and find meaning in our lives again by being a part of something bigger than ourselves.


We are currently a group of US veterans and we are focused on organizing relief efforts. We understand what it takes to move a massive force. We have decades of experience going in and out of conflict zones. There are good and bad things about current normal operating procedures, and we are trimming the fat to streamline the logistics process. Once we set up our network, it will be business as usual. We know how to get the job done and we will continue our work with the core values we all hold. One big Core value we all share is integrity. We will live this by ensuring all funding goes to directly support relief efforts.


Red Tape

We will be in Poland this summer talking to the actual people in need and the organizations on the ground who are there working. This summer is going to be setting up all of the support networks and getting a big picture view of what is in place and what is needed.

If you think about how many families had to be separated at the boarder when husbands and fathers had to say their goodbyes, you can begin to conceptualize the weight of carrying around this grief. If we can help displaced families in relative safety, the people fighting will have a better time focusing on their task at hand.

The same goes with anyone fighting in Ukraine as a volunteer. The veterans who are currently fighting have to consider all of the weighty questions like life insurance, paying bills, and personal relationships. I want to help every US veteran pay their bills and hopefully we can get everyone some life insurance. I want to help our allies out as well but at this stage we are focusing on US vets.


During all areas of operation we will continuously update through various media platforms and be as transparent as possible. We want to demonstrate that we are not going to buy Lamborghinis or any crazy expensive stuff we do not need. There will be information available about where all of the donations are going to. Public trust is the most valuable thing we can provide. We only want to cover our personal expenses and initial setup costs and the rest will be going directly to refugees and volunteers that are wanting to help out in person.

Long Term

If the war stopped tomorrow it would still take years and maybe decades to rebuild Ukraine and resettle all of the war-torn families. Our team is going to be focused on creating solutions and creating long term partnerships that will be a part of healing process. There are two fronts we will work towards. One is to setup a stable network of support and supply for refugees. This will employ and protect displaced people and people in need in neighboring countries. The goal is to create a few centers to base our operations and to house volunteers. We will employ admin personnel, translators, logistics, and various others.

The second front is directly supporting local populations in Ukraine. We will setup supply lines and use our connections and expertise to get what is needed to where it needs to be.


When other people wait around we will lead the way.


Zelensky requested ammo instead of a ride. We will go in to help deliver whatever supplies are needed. We have to make sure that we are staying within all legal lines but we will not be waiting around while war crimes are committed. Any veteran knows that it takes a long time to move the massive war beast so we will go in and resupply.