Decision to help

When I was in the United States in February 2022 I was living a very comfortable life. I had a house, home gym, a nice savings account, paid for vehicle, and a nice monthly income. The moment the Russian invasion ramped up on February 24th, I could no longer enjoy my nice life and comfort that I had worked so hard to provide for myself until I did everything I could to help out the people in Ukraine who wanted to do the same.

I had visited Ukraine for years and met many friends and was able to get a first hand glimpse into the culture of Ukraine. The primary ways that I have been able to explain the Ukrainian mindset in general terms are; Use what you have and use it in the most creative way possible, value what you have because it can be lost or taken away, family and faith are most important, and just be happy with what you have. This is my personal observation and summation, obviously it is impossible to explain an entire culture in a sentence. I felt and feel very connected with the very relaxed mindset of Ukrainians. All they want to do is live their life and be free. With my Military background I knew that I could help. I was not exactly sure what I could do but I knew that I would be able to help. So I bought a ticket to Poland and went to Krakow with the intention to get to Kyiv.


5. Update on everything


Meeting the team