Meeting the team

Here in Ukraine there are large organizations and small volunteer groups. There is a certain distance that the larger organizations will not go to the Eastern front. A group I have been working with is Vans Without Borders. It is a group from the UK. There have been other international volunteers that have helped with these supply runs to the front lines. A couple Americans are Cong and Cameron, there is a German Chris, and a Canadian that goes by Birdie. We are burning our savings and there has been Billions donated for the exact work we are doing. It seems like these billions are accruing interest in an account somewhere. The guardian has done an article explaining that the volunteer network is doing a lot if not most of the direct action deliveries with only 0.24% of the donations. The link to the article is below. Please Please Please donate directly to us so that we can ensure your donations are being used properly.


Decision to help


Attempt to start GoFundMe campaign